This is my catnip story
It was October 1999. Our house was for sale and we were getting ready for a showing. I had the Yankee McIntosh candle burning and a big bowl of MacIntosh apples out on display. We packed the kids up and the dog and headed out to do some shopping while the showing was being held. Don't worry I blew the candle out before we left..The house smelled and looked amazing on a nice fall day.
While we were shopping I picked up some catnip and toilet paper and a few other household items. We took the boys for some lunch and waited an hour and a half after the showing started to return to the house.
When we got home we pretty much let the dog in, put the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, noticed there was no realtor card left from the showing and headed out again because Dennis read a bit of the Sunday paper at the kitchen table and there was some special football game being played at the stadium across the street. We grabbed the boys and left the house to go watch the game.
About two hours later we walked back home opened the door and walked into what looked like a tornado had hit the kitchen and dining room. There were plastic grocery bags lying on the floor torn to shreds and the bag of catnip was torn open and weed was scattered from the coutertops all over the kitchen floor and into the diningroom. The Sunday paper had been run across and thrown onto the floor in several places. It was such a sight..We just kind laughed at it all. The aftermath of a kitty crack rampage was being witnessed. The cat had a shit load of fun and was no where to be found at this point and we had some cleaning to do.
It didn't take long for someone to discover the realtor card that was now in the house which was NOT in the house before we left for the football game. The laughter came to a screaching halt and now we wondered..did the cat do us a favor and wait till the realtor and potential buyers left to have all of her fun ORRRRRR did the cat not have any self control after getting a sweet waft of catnip in the air.
It was bad enough the realtor came after we went shopping and left everything out but to think they came into a house and saw the crazy mess that was going on is a hard thing to swallow.
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